Fuelsaver Technologies, Inc

Company Owner: Rich Lieber

Business Location: United States
Business Category: Fuel Saving Solutions, Transportation
Business Type/Certifications: NVBDC, SDVOSB
Support Services: Anti-Microbial for Stored Diesel Fuel, Cleans Engine & Injectors, Eliminates Ethanol-Blend Fuel Issues, Enables Regular Gas Use vs Premium, Extends Engine Oil Life, Lubricates & Protects Engine Parts, Prevents Carbon Re-Deposits, Quicker Diesel Starts in the Cold, Reduces Emissions up to 61%, Reduces Fuel Usage an Average of 10%, Reduces Maintenance Costs, Removes Engine Carbon Deposits, Saves MORE than it Costs, Stabilizes Fuel in Storage for 1 Year +, Will Not Void Engine Warranties, Works in Both Gas & Diesel
In Business For: January 1, 2006

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