Sheen & Shine

Company Owner: Israel (Ike) Cuyler-SDVOSB

Business Location: New York-United States
Business Category: Commercial/Facilities Cleaning & Green Cleaning Supplies
Business Type/Certifications: 8-A Certified, Accreditations-Academy of Cleaning Excellence- Cleaning Expert, Accredited Electrostatic Application Expert, Certified Veteran/Diverse Partnerships, DBE, Disability.IN, GSA, HubZone, NVBDC, NYSID-New York State For The Disabled, OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen, SDVOSB, Veteran Owned Company
Support Services: 3 Phase Training Program and Capacity Building, Anti-Fatigue Mats, Certified in Biohazard Cleaning, Commercial Cleaning & Supplies, Commercial Snow & Ice Management, Electrostatic Solutions., Employment, Facilities Management/Services, Facilities Services & Maintenance, Green Cleaning Solutions, Grounds Maintenance, Infection Prevention, Janitorial Services, Landscaping, NYSID Employment, PPE Supplies, We utilize Green Cleaning Solutions and Anti-Fatigue Mats.
In Business For: [calculate_date_diff]

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