Timothy Barlow
Credit and Debit Card Processing ServicesTimothy Barlow
Credit and Debit Card Processing Services
Certified Service Disabled Veteran/Minority Owner
Who I Am + What I do at DeltaPoint Partners
How I Help My Clients
We provide state of the art technology to our merchants to accept their customers no cash payments, in lightning-fast speed. Our customer service helps our merchants in their time of need, with the issues merchants can face. Our hands on customer service are second to none, if our clients equipment goes down we replace it within 24 hours. Unless you are in Colorado, which will be same day.
Why I do what I do
I love what I do because I have an outstanding professional ability to provide excellent customer service to my clients and non-customers who may be seeking helpful information about the whole electronic payment process.
Career Commitment
Timothy Barlow was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. Graduated from George Washington High School, then joined the U.S. Air Force in 1981, as an aircraft mechanic working on the flight line. Learning the many life’s disciplines, the military gives their young men in arms. After traveling the world and experiencing the diverse cultures in the world. I came back to Denver with trade skills I could use in the private sector. I worked for the U.S. Postal Service and United Airlines at the same time. While doing both jobs, went to college, and attained my BA in Political Science at Metropolitan State University. After I graduated college, I started my credit card processing business in 1996. After processing transactions for over one thousand merchants, quit both jobs in 2001, and only worked the credit card processing business. Became a Certified Merchant Service Provider for Visa and MasterCard under the Elavon umbrella in 2003, then road out several economic downturns by providing excellent customer service to our existing clients, which in turn, those that remind in business, stayed with us. We are still grateful to have our existing customers, since square, PayPal, Costco, and other merchant service providers enter the market and made it extremely competitive to acquirer new business. But no matter how competitive it gets; I still love this Industry.
The little free time I get, I spend with my wife, the true love of my life, and the main reason I keep up the fight every day. Our kids are all grown and doing great in life, we are proud of them! Every now and then I will cheat and watch football, my favorite childhood passion.