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The Power of Your Attitude…(Jim Rohn-Attitude is Everything)

Understand The Power of Your Attitude: Your attitude is a powerful tool for positive action. It’s inherently interwoven into everything you do. It is your most priceless possession. The good news is, you do not have to buy it, rent it or lease it, you have the ability to control it and most important develop it. Your attitude controls your destiny.

Choose To Take Charge of Your Life: Transform your attitude into action, you must accept responsibility for what goes on inside your mind by monitoring your internal dialogue. We were put on this earth to make choices. Your choice determines your happiness and it also effects your success.

Identify Through Self-Awareness The Attitudes That Hold You Back and Propel Your Forward: Practicing self-awareness allows you to identify the attitudes that propel you forward and hold you back. Identifying the source of these bad attitudes help you determine the choices you make. Negative thoughts promote negative outcomes, positive thoughts promote positive outcomes. Once again the freedom of choice.

Reframe Your Bad Attitude: An attitude of anger can be transformed into an attitude of gratitude and forgiveness by shifting your perspective. You will discover the power of self forgiveness, which allows you to forgive others. You will also learn how to rid yourself of debilitating attitude by identifying what causes a bad attitude. Is the attitude permeant, is it pervasive or is it personal.

Find Your Purpose and Passion: Once you have determined what is holding you back, it is time to look ahead and analyze where you want to go. Understanding your life with purpose and passion, having a personal vision, is critical to achieving success. You will consider which attitudes are conducive to goal setting and which can spoil the process.

Be Pre Active: Prepare yourself for those times when challenging circumstances threaten to provoke negative attitudes that can hinder your plans and throw you off course en route to your goals and dreams. You will discover that even with a positive attitude, purpose and passion, life is without challenges, disappointments, setbacks and problems. By developing a pre-active approach to life, you will become better prepared to handle the hazards along the way.

Discover How To Motivate Yourself: Keys to discovering self motivation: Affirmations, Visualization, Attitude Talk, Positive Greetings, Enthusiasm, Spiritual Empowerment, Humor, Exercise and Have Fun.

Build Supportive Relationships: Nobody makes it alone in this world. We all need supportive relationships to get through challenging times. Put together your A Team, those people who help you fight off negative attitudes and build positive ones. To build a TEAM, you first have to develop an attitude that will make others want to support you. Build Long term, mutually beneficial relationships, through networking, shared visions, shared goals and most importantly shared values. You will learn that these core ideas will be your best defense against toxic people who try to disrupt your success.

See Change As An Opportunity: One of the greatest challenges to a positive attitude is change, whether you change jobs, change relationships, or change in your economic status. Adopting a what ever it takes attitude when confronted by change. 

Leave A Lasting Legacy: Sometimes we forget that the greatest thing we can do to build a healthy attitude is get involved in something greater than ourselves. Plant positive seeds, seeds of hope, encouragement, faith and love. Leaving a lasting legacy by making a mark that cannot be erased. It is then you will be ready to transcend yourself and reach out to make a difference in the lives of your family, friends and community.

If you want a positive attitude, your going to need to be committed enough to work at it to provide the effort and discipline to put the plan into action. It will take some work on your part, but I promise you will get a wonderful return on your investment. By changing your thinking, you can change your beliefs. By changing your beliefs you can change your actions-and your life.

Remember, this is an investment in you. The light is green-so go!