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Announcing a New Free Webinar Series!!

Diverse Supplier Development Corporation & DeltaPoint Partners are proud to announce the launch of a new monthly Free Webinar Connect series starting in 2023, Why? Because:

We know there is far more demand than supply of qualified, diverse, certified, suppliers and less than 2% of all diverse-owned businesses are private sector certified.

We also know that it is very hard to assess new suppliers’ readiness and financial stability from their Capability Statements alone.

These free monthly webinars are intended to bring together Diverse Supplier Managers, HR Managers and Procurement Decision Makers with our Diverse Suppliers in a Lunch ‘N Learn format.

Our first such webinar has been scheduled for Thursday January 26, 2023, at 11 a.m. Eastern time.  You can register to attend this free webinar at the following link:

Each Webinar Connect series will provide an opportunity for you to hear directly from 3 of our diverse clients and provide feedback that can help them improve their messaging and educate them on how best to work with your corporation and build a relationship of trust

We all want to help our diverse suppliers improve their communication with you. Hear them tell their story live. This is your chance to participate and help us, help diverse suppliers improve their chances of being able to participate in the wonderful opportunities your diversity procurement programs offer. And you’ll also hear a short update from us on the programs and initiatives we are committed to in this arena.

If you would be willing to highlight your top 3-5 diverse supplier needs in these Webinars, please fill out the short survey at the following link

You can register to attend this free webinar on Thursday January 26, 2023, at 11 a.m. Eastern time webinar at the following link:

Thank you for your kind consideration to support our efforts to bring new Vetted suppliers to you.

To learn more about working with military veterans as diverse suppliers through corporate membership with the NVBDC, please contact us.

Thanks in advance!

To your continued health, happiness and success!