Technology and Cybersecurity Services

Company Owner: Tomas Santos-Alejandro

Business Location: United States-Global
Business Category: Cybersecurity Engineering & Risk Management, IT Support and Professional Services, Systems and Software Engineering
Business Type/Certifications: 8-A Certified, Compliant with DFARS 252.204-7-12 & Dfars 252.204-7020, HubZone, Security Vetted-Facility Security Clearance
Support Services: ATO & RMF Support, Administrative Support, Agile Software Development, Asset Management, COTS technology INtegration, Computer Facilities Management Support, Computer Systems Design Support, Continuous Monitoring, Cyber security Engineering, Cybersecurity-Compliance and Regulatory Services, Cybersecurity-Penetration Testing, Data Storage & Management, DevSecOps, Disaster recovery and Business Continuity, Document Digitization, Engineering and Technical Support, Filed Engineering Support, Full Life Cycle System Development, Help Desk and Technical Support, IT Project Management, IT Project Management - System and Software project management, IT Systems Administration, Independent Verification and Valdidation, Laboratory & Operational (LSA/OSA) Support Security Assessments (, Network Engineering & Administration, Open Systems Archtecture, Plans, Policies and Procedures, Security Controls Implementation and Assessmentd, Software Configureation Management, Software Development, System Integration, System Security Categorization, System Security Plan Development, Technical Consulting, Test and Evalaution Support, Vulnerability Assessments
In Business For: January 1, 2014

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