Why Is Pen Testing As A Service Beneficial To An Organization?
Penetration tests tools we use to help prioritize initiatives to cost-effectively reduce and avoid the risk of potentially costly security breaches. They:
- Frequent Penetration Tests help protect your # 1 Asset-The Technology That Runs Your Organization.
- Penetration tests are budget friendly. Compared against the cost of infrastructure investments, IT staff, and software integration projects.
- Vulnerability scanners alone may leave you exposed. Vulnerability scans are a good baseline for protecting your computing and information assets, however, a thorough penetration test from a skilled pen testing firm can help identify risks not detected by vulnerability scanning.
- Reduce the risk of a security breach. A thorough penetration test will help you identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited to cause a breach, and help you avoid additional unexpected costs.
- Prioritize value-add initiatives. Penetration tests clearly describe the remediation activities that will provide the most positive impact to your security posture, and will allow you to save time and money on less impactful endeavors.
- Do more with less. A penetration test can ensure that, at the very least, the technologies you do have are robustly protected, and can delay the need to modernize, at least from a security perspective.
- Protect company morale. Morale is key to productivity and anything you can do to protect morale is a must.
We provide Penetration Testing as a Service which includes:
- Indicates where their vulnerabilities lie
- We identify “Critical Impacts” that must be urgently fixed
- Contextual scoring that evaluates and prioritizes risks
- Maintains user’s trusts
- Actionable remediation that tells you what the problem is and how to fix it
- Provides proof with a graphical and textual representation of each step in a successful attack
- Allows our clients to see their enterprise through the eyes of the attacker
- Proactively finds internal and external attack vectors before attackers can exploit them
- Safe to test in production and requires no persistent or credentialed agents
- Provides budgetary justification and prioritization of resources
- Provide a plan of action and milestones (POAM)
- Identify where the most vulnerable documents are located on the network
Our Penetration Testing as a Service can help to:
- Identify both strengths and weaknesses in their systems and security
- Maintain the highest possible level of IT security
- Understand the critical impact so they know exactly what to fix
- Have an IT strategy that aligns with the most critical needs
- Decrease the costs for security and vulnerability testing
- Decrease the amount of time spent on vulnerability testing
- Protect your reputation to strengthen customer loyalty and trust
- Have the proper justification for budget and resources
Some ways that we differ from other options out there are:
- We use automation with built-in AI and machine learning
- We are faster and can usually do it in about half the time
- We are usually a more economical option
- We are big enough to handle anything and small enough to provide individual attention
- We are not adversarial and will partner with internal IT departments and resources
Impact of Doing Nothing:
Some things to be concerned with when not doing anything in this area are:
- Difficult to know where security and systems vulnerabilities exist
- It can be difficult to maintain the highest level of IT security
- Difficult to know the critical impact
- Difficult to budget and allocate resources
- The financial impact of breaches can be unmeasurable
- Finding security vulnerabilities is extremely time-consuming
- The reputation of the business is at risk every day with security threats
- Can be difficult to justify budgets and resources

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First Team Cyber Has One Goal
First Team Cyber Has One Goal-Supporting you in Protecting The “HEART” of your Organization-Your Technology Department.