Ricardo Santiago
SanDow ConstructionRicardo Santiago
SanDow Construction, Inc.
Years in Business: 12
Years of Experience: 40+
Branch of Service: US Army
# of Years: 4
Business Certifications:
Who I Am + What I do at DeltaPoint Partners
Service You (We) Provide:
We provide General Construction and Environmental Remediation Services.
How I (We) Help My (Our) Clients:
By providing quality work, being responsive, and meeting our client’s project objectives. We know what we are doing administratively and in the field.
Why I (We) Do What I (We) Do:
Because we are good at it and enjoy helping our clients meet their project/business initiatives.
How I Spend My Free Time: Family, Family and Family
My family loves to vacation, go to the movies together & occasionally enjoy fine dining.