Ryan Yedlinsky
Ryan YedlinskyRyan Yedlinsky
Years in Business: 6
Years of Experience: 10+
Branch of Service: US Army
# of Years: 20
Business Certifications:
Who I Am + What I do at DeltaPoint Partners
Service You (We) Provide:
I help our clients by ensuring the corporations with whom they wish to collaborate have as much information about their company as possible. I navigate the often-complex world of company portals on their behalf so they can focus on running their business.
How I (We) Help My (Our) Clients:
Whether it’s creating detailed profiles with corporations, maintaining those profiles with our clients’ most current information, or reaching out directly on their behalf, my main focus is ensuring we paint the highest quality picture about our clients as possible.
Why I (We) Do What I (We) Do:
As a retired soldier, I want to continue to serve. What better way to do that than helping fellow veterans achieve their business growth goals?
How I Spend My Free Time: Family, Family and Family
I retired from the Army so I could spend more time with my family, and allow me to focus more on my extracurricular passion of ultra-distance trail running. When I’m not supporting my kids’ various activities, I’m usually training for or running a race somewhere around the world. My favorite race distance is the 100K to 100 Mile range.