Someone who “gets it”
Being in business for almost 40 years, I receive many requests for testimonials. The following is one that I do with great pleasure and I consider an honor to do. It’s not often that you connect with someone who “gets it”... not only that, but doesn’t use that as a way to “take advantage” of you or your situation and business. Mark Hollingshead IS that person! His broad background and experience are a perfect collaboration for any small business. But that isn’t even the best part. I’m talking about a man with genuine and sincere integrity... not a word I use frequently. You never, ever, have to question who’s side he’s on. Everything he does and says is totally and completely for your benefit. You won’t always like what he says or asks you to do, but they are what you need to hear and need to do. Before you question why he is asking or doing something, ask yourself if you are ready to do whatever it takes to move your business forward.
And as good as that all is, it’s still not the best part... Mark’s heart is so big, so giving and selfless. I could take the next ten pages to tell you all about it. His passion to help children in sports, and as Santa in ways that the real Santa would be jealous of! He is a great example of a family man, which most small businesses are. I’m extremely fortunate to have Mark on my team, in my corner, and part of my “family”. I am humbled, honored, and blessed to call him my friend!
DeltaPoint Partners
Tony Calascibetta
Cam’s Pizzeria | Owner for 40 Years